The youngest of our church buildings, the new St Peter’s was built in 1862 since the old medieval church on the hill overlooking the vale became a ruin. An unusual building with a spiky spire-turret and stripy roof and walls, its building was influenced by the Oxford movement in the 19th-century. This influence is seen inside too with the vibrantly coloured window on the west and the stone reredos of the Last Supper behind the altar. Artwork and craft designed to evoke Biblical stories and to gently teach the faith. A tradition continued in this small but vibrant community of faith.
Adeiladwyd yr ieuengaf o adeiladau ein heglwys, y Sant Pedr newydd ym 1862 ers i’r hen eglwys ganoloesol ar y bryn sy’n edrych dros y dyffryn ddod yn adfail. Adeilad anghyffredin gyda thyred meindwr pigog a tho a waliau streipiog, dylanwadwyd ar ei adeilad gan fudiad Rhydychen yn y 19eg ganrif. Mae’r dylanwad hwn i’w weld y tu mewn hefyd gyda’r ffenestr liw bywiog ar y gorllewin a reredos carreg y Swper Olaf y tu ôl i’r allor. Gwaith celf a chrefft wedi’u cynllunio i ennyn straeon Beiblaidd ac i ddysgu’r ffydd yn ysgafn. Parhaodd traddodiad yn y gymuned ffydd fach ond fywiog hon.
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