Newsletter for Sunday 26th June 2022 St Thomas Feast

Dear Friends,
Please find attached the newsletter for Sunday 26th June. 
We have changed the lay-out slightly following feedback requesting more information be included about the Sunday services we hold. For example knowing if it is a said or a sung Eucharist or again a sung Matins or Even Song. This is important when we are inviting people along to a service perhaps for the first time. Our musical and sung traditions are an important part of our worship. 
There is information on the newsletter about events coming up. Do look at for all the details. Song School with the children is going from strength to strength and we are doing a taster session at Clocaenog church this Friday 24th June at 5.30 pm.   This is a new adventure and we ask for your continued prayers as we reach out to our children and young people.  For adults the Dyffryn Clwyd choir are doing really well after just a few short weeks.  Have a look at Face book to see a sample. 
The MAC will be held on Thursday evening so do keep them in your prayers – especially those making decisions on behalf of Dyffryn Clwyd. We are continuing to look at our Mission Action Plan, as we review the progress of our outward mission and growth so far. 
Please do get in touch with Tad Huw if you would like the name of a loved one included in the book of Remembrance to be opened in Llanbedr, before the 10th July.  The cost will be £25 per entry. 
Please continue to pray for Natasha as she prepares for her Ordination on Saturday morning followed by her first Mass at Llanbedr at 4.00 pm. 
Best regards 
Caroline Bennett
Administrator – Dyffryn Clwyd Mission Area
Tel: 01824 707820
Web and Face book links
My working hours will be as follows:-
Monday PM
Tuesday All Day