Hi All
I hope everyone is keeping well and safe and continuing to enjoy the Easter Season!
After a damp start to the week I’m looking forward to the good weather forecast for the weekend when we’ll be holding a huge plant sale and spring fair in Llanbedr Churchyard, 2pm-4pm. With the wild flowers in bloom and lots of activities for families as well as the cake stall and raffles it should be great afternoon, I hope you are all able to come and join us. I know I’m hoping to pick up a few plants for the garden as I start to dig over the flower beds and get the summer flowering plants in.
Then on Tuesday evening I’m very excited to see who comes along to join our new choir. This is just an initial taster session at 7pm in Llanbedr Church to see whose interested so if you enjoy singing (whether it’s in tune or not doesn’t matter, that’s why we have a choir master to make us sound good!) then come along and maybe join me for a pint in the Griffin after.
Then we hope the good weather continues to the following weekend for the 2 events to be held on the 14th of May. Firstly in the morning 10.30am-12pm there’s a Bring & Buy sale in Llanrhydd church, a great opportunity to pick up a bargain and enjoy refreshments in the tranquil peace of Ruthin’s mother church. Then in the afternoon, we’ve got parachuting teddies and spring fair in Llanfair DC 2pm-4pm. Is your Teddie brave enough to take a leap of faith from the tower of Llanfair Church?
Then on the 21st of May we’ve got a special service at 2pm in Llanfair DC with the Bishop coming to confirm a group of young people from across our churches. Please do come and support them as they take this next and important step on their journey of faith.
And then, on Ascension Day, the 26th of May we’ve got a special service in Llanarmon at 10am followed by Bacon Butties and then in the evening we’re gathering at 6pm in the ruins of the Old Church in Llanbedr DC, a perfect setting with panoramic views over the whole Vale for an Ascension Day Mass.
On the 28th of May, having completed the repair work by then in Efenechtyd Church we’ll be able to hold our delayed Meditation Experience from 2pm – 5pm, please contact Rev Richard Carter to book your place. RIchardCarter@churchinwales.org.uk
So there’s plenty going on to really celebrate this most wonderful time of the year as we continue to proclaim to the world, Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Tad Huw
Mission Area Leader of Dyffryn Clwyd
Tad Huw
Mission Area Leader of Dyffryn Clwyd