Dear friends
From all at Dyffryn Clwyd Mission Area, we would like to wish you a very happy and blessed New Year and hope it is one filled with joy and happiness.
Please find attached this week’s newsletter and also information about tomorrow’s special service at St Peter’s, Ruthin. Starting with a service at 7pm, please come along and bring your Kings to put in the manger and join the Mission Area in welcoming the Kings at Epiphany. The service will be followed by a ‘bring and share’ Christmas party in St Peter’s with festive treats and drinks. Everyone is welcome to join us and we would love to see as many of you there as possible.
Of course, please do share this special event with anyone not on the newsletter distribution list and also please display on your noticeboards, Facebook pages and throughout any other groups, too. Don’t forget, you can also find further information on what’s happening on the Dyffryn Clwyd website: All services will resume as normal from Sunday 8th January 2023.
Marketing support for our church events
As you all start to plan your events for the coming year, please make sure you let Imogen the MA Administrator know what you are doing. Imogen is very happy to offer marketing support by designing posters, advertising events on the website, social media and PR, and anything else you need! Imogen’s email is and her new mobile number is 07543 504486.
Please continue to hold in your prayers our clergy, lay ministers and hard-working volunteers as we embark upon 2023. The new year will offer opportunities aplenty for us to continue, and develop, our work as a Mission Area with the comfort that the Lord will always be walking beside us.
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12
Kind regards
Imogen Dennis-Newton
Mission Area Administrator
Dyffryn Clwyd Mission Area
Please note, my working hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 12pm. I work mainly from home, but will endeavour to be in the MA Office on either a Tuesday or Wednesday morning. If you would like to see me or you need to come to the office, please send me a message so that we can organise a convenient day and time to meet. Thank you.