Zoom link and invitation to the Easter Vestry Meeting

Dyffryn Clwyd Mission Area is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Dyffryn Clwyd Easter Vestry Meeting
Time: Apr 29, 2021 07:00 PM London
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Meeting ID: 882 7094 6720
Dear All
Our Easter Vestry Meeting shall be held on the 29th of April. As a charity this is our equivalent of an Annual General Meeting and is open to all members of the churches of Dyffryn Clwyd. As it is an open meeting this means that we could have up to 180 people (the average Sunday attendance in Dyffryn Clwyd) and so there is no way to hold this meeting in person with the restrictions we must adhere to at present, therefore the meeting will be held on Zoom. I know that not everyone is able to use Zoom, anyone who is unable to use Zoom is welcome to still send in any questions by email to myself at least the day before.
Attached is the agenda, our audited accounts and report for 2020 and the Mission Area review. In accordance with our legal obligations the accounts will be presented. In a normal year our constituent churches would have looked at their individual parts of our finances but due to covid this has not been possible and as the legal entity is Dyffryn Clwyd this year we shall present them as a whole which also gives everyone an opportunity to see the whole picture rather than just their part of it. We shall also at this meeting confirm the church wardens in their roles which includes membership of the Mission Area Conference where they act as Trustees of the charity. We shall also confirm the Treasurers in their roles.
The second part of the meeting will be to discuss the Mission Area Review. As you will be aware part of the generous support we received from the Diocese and the Representative Body of the Church in Wales last year, and continuing support into this year (without which many of our churches would have faced closure) we undertook a review process. This involved members of the Diocesan staff visiting each of our churches to meet with wardens and clergy, it looked at our 10 year attendance trends, our finances and the state of our buildings. The culmination of this is the report attached and a set of recommendations for us as we look to the future. The purpose of the report and the recommendations is to help us take an honest look at where we are now and to help us in discerning where we would like to be. The heart of this is to move us from maintaining what we’ve got to be a church of mission, to recapture our true purpose of making disciples. It asks us hard questions, how do we use our buildings, our finances and our time and talents for our mission to make disciples? This Easter Vestry meeting is our first opportunity to read the report and recommendations in full and to ask questions, but this is just a starting point for the conversations. The review will result in us drawing up a Mission Action Plan (MAP) of how we are to move forward. The MAP will shy away from vague aspirations and instead give very specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) objectives. I know this sounds horribly like a lot of business-speak, but hold to the point, which is to spur us to action as we move from maintenance to mission and to grow our churches.
Tad Huw